


Vinkovci_2022_1 ヴィンコヴチ市でのコンサートは8度目となります。毎回、コンサートを楽しみにしてくれる友人も増え、クロアチアの中でも特別に愛着のある町です。今回はいつにも増して温かい歓迎ぶりで、コンサートも大盛況でした。特に嬉しかったのは、沢山の子供達が聴きに来てくれていたことです。アンコールで「エリーゼのために」を弾いた時に、床に座って聴いていた小さな男の子が、最初から最後までピアノに合わせて旋律を口ずさんでいたのが忘れられません。クロアチアには、全国各地に公立の音楽学校があり、充実した音楽教育が行われています。今回、ヴィンコヴチ市の音楽学校の内部を見学させていただき、その教育環境と内容の素晴らしさに、改めて驚きました。コンサート前日の夜には、市立博物館の裏側にある野外スペースで、子供達との交流を目的としたワークショップも行いました。



Sarajevo_2022_1 さて、次は、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴヴィナの首都サラエヴォです。ヴィンコヴチから35kmほどのオラシエという町から、始発にも関わらず予定時刻をずいぶん過ぎてやって来たバスに乗って、サラエヴォに向かいました。ガタガタ道を5時間、身体の芯まで響くような振動に閉口しながら到着したサラエボはすでに冬の寒さに包まれており、幾つかのハプニングを経て辿り着いた部屋で、これからさらに起こり得る困難を覚悟しながら眠りにつきました。


 コンサートは、その翌20日夜、9月21日の「国際平和デー」にちなんだ「第6回国際芸術祭 ”GRAD”」のイベントの一つとして開催されました。早朝、サラエボ・テレビの生番組にも出演しました。縁もゆかりもない町でどれだけの人が来てくれるだろうかと思いましたが、会場いっぱいの人が集まってくださり、演奏後には沢山の温かい賛辞をいただきました。その夜は、主催者のイブラヒム・スパヒッチ氏に頼まれて、翌朝の「国際平和デー」を祝う記念集会のために、平和の象徴である折り鶴31羽を明け方4時まで折り、毎年恒例の大勢の学生による平和記念パレードにも参加しました。


Rijeka_2022_12 今回最後の公演場所となったリエカ市は、2020年欧州文化首都に選出された都市です。駐日クロアチア大使館の協力を賜り、リエカ市の主催で、「知事の宮殿」と呼ばれる壮麗な建物の中にある美しい大理石のホールで演奏させていただきました。欧州文化首都に相応しいこの建物は、現在、海洋歴史博物館となっています。リエカ在住の衣装デザイナーの友人ジャナ・ラヴリッチさんが、「20年来の友情の証に」と張り切って素敵なドレスを作ってくれました。来年こそは、コロナ禍により延期されている十日町市の少年少女合唱団のリエカ公演も実現することでしょう。



After my first concert tour abroad in three years

The Covid-19 pandemic made it difficult to travel abroad and many concerts have been cancelled. This time, for the first time in three years, I finally succeeded to travel to Croatia and gave concerts in five cities.

First, I performed on September 12, 13, and 15 in three cities of Vinkovci, Županja, and Vukovar in the Slavonia region of eastern Croatia.

It was my eighth concert in Vinkovci. Each time, more and more friends look forward to my concerts, and I have a deep attachment to this city. This time I received an even warmer welcome than usual and the concert was a great success. To my great delight, many children came to the concert. I will never forget that when I played "For Elise" as encore, a little boy sitting on the floor was humming the melody along with the piano from beginning to end. In Croatia there are public music schools all over the country, providing a well-developed musical education. This time, I visited the music school in Vinkovci and was amazed once again by the quality of its educational environment and content. The day before the concert, I also held a workshop to interact with children in an open-air space behind the Municipal Museum.

On the following day, the concert in Županja was held in a hall belonging to a local Catholic church. Although it was my first visit to the city, the concert was a great success with a large audience. After the concert, bishop Robert Jugović kindly hosted a pleasant dinner with Mr. Masato Iso, Japanese ambassador, Mr. Damir Juzbašić, mayor of Županja, and organizers.

Next, I performed at the Eltz Castle in Vukovar. Located across the Danube River from Serbia, this city was devastated by the war in Croatia in 1991. When I first visited in 2007, the Castle was still in a completely destroyed state, but in 2011 it was beautifully reconstructed and now it houses the Vukovar Municipal Museum. The piano there was provided by the Japanese Cultural Grant Aid, and in recent years, the museum has also held exhibitions introducing Japanese culture in cooperation with the Japanese Embassy. The concert here was also successful, and it was my pleasant surprise that so many students from the local music school came to the concert.

The following venue was Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. From Orasije, 35 km from Vinkovci, I took a bus for Sarajevo, which came long after the scheduled time despite being the first station. After five hours of bumpy ride, I arrived in Sarajevo, already covered in the winter cold. After a few happenings, I finally arrived at my room and went to sleep, preparing myself for more difficulties that might occur in the future.

The next morning, I first went to the Sarajevo Music Academy, the venue of my concert. Each of the principals of the Music Elementary School, the Music High School, and the Music Academy, all located in the same building, warmly welcomed me to their respective schools. In the evening, I also held a workshop to interact with the children of the music school. I was very impressed that an 8-year-old boy was so excited at listening to Bach's “Chaconne".

The concert was held on the following evening, September 20, as one of the events of the 6th International Art Festival "GRAD" in honor of the International Day of Peace of September 21. I wondered how many people would come to the concert in a city to which I had almost no connection, but the hall was filled with people, who gave me warm compliments after the concert. That night, at the request of Mr. Ibrahim Spahić, the organizer of the festival, I folded 31 paper cranes as a symbol of peace until 4:00 am, for the memorial meeting celebrating the "International Day of Peace" the next morning, and also participated in the annual Peace Memorial Parade by many students.

Sarajevo, with its mix of various races, religions, and cultures, has a unique charm that cannot be felt in other cities, leaving a chaotic impression and a lingering, almost mystical aftertaste. The people who survived the brutal war that lasted for three and a half years since 1992 are truly strong, and while spending several days in contact with the local people and the unique atmosphere of the city, I repeatedly felt as if my sense of values, life, or my perception of the world were shaken to my very foundation. It was a truly meaningful stay that made me keenly aware that fresh inspiration and great energy can be miraculously generated while going to new places, meeting new people, and interacting with them. It is a sense that I had nearly lost by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The last venue was Rijeka, the European Capital of Culture 2020. With support of the Croatian Embassy in Japan, and organized by the city of Rijeka, I had the honor of performing in a fantastic hall in a magnificent “Governor's Palace” on October 4. A friend of mine, Đana Ravlić, a dress designer living in Rijeka, made a beautiful dress for the concert as a "token of our friendship of 20 years”. Next year, I hope and believe that Boys and Girls Choirs of Tokamachi City will be finally able to sing in Rijeka, which has been postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

This trip enabled me to renew old friendships throughout Croatia and to meet lots of new people, which greatly expanded prospects for my further musical activities, such as new collaborations with Croatian musicians. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee for their warm support and to all those who have helped and supported me in various ways for the project. Now I’m preparing to realize several new projects for 2023, which will mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Croatia.